In physics and chemistry and many other sciences, we are guided by the principal that in every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In politics and in this case, when attempting to change the Constitution of Virginia, what are the foreseen or unforeseen consequences of these reactions?
A few questions to ponder before we dive in. Did the United States of America become the greatest nation on this earth because we offered unlimited access to abortion? Did abortion make the United States the most prosperous nation in the world? Do people seek at all cost to enter the United States for reproductive freedom? Did we break away from England so that we could have abortions? Did we fight two worlds wars in order to kill unborn children?
Do people flock to North Korea for freedom? North Korea restricts abortion and punishes doctors who abort children. Do people flock to China? China had a one child policy, with a priority of sacrificing the lives of daughters over sons. Now, they face an overwhelming drop in fertility because they lack women to give birth to the next generation.
Virginia, the fire is at the door. What reaction will the Delegates and the people chose to endorse? What are you willing to fight for? As you look over the land of this great state, the hallowed ground of this Commonwealth, do you know the principals for which you stand? Do you have courage to fight for your family, your children, your grandchildren, your wallet?
Is it necessary to amend the Constitution of Virginia? Is our Constitution so fundamentally flawed that it left out rights? Were our founding father’s so ignorant that they did not understand all the fundamental rights necessary in 2025? Perhaps, our founding fathers had more insight into tyranny.
Perhaps, what we are witnessing here in Virginia is the tyrannical destruction of the family, femininity and masculinity, and the sacredness of human life, in order to elevate behavioral choices to the level of a human right.
Please keep in mind:
All Constitutional Amendments supersede current state law. Any state protection or exception in current law will end. Any protections for religious organizations or parents rights will end.
Taxes. If the Constitution declares something a fundamental right, the State or Commonwealth must protect that right. This costs money. It costs money to protect the right. It costs you, the individual or business or church, money to challenge this right. In some cases, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars were spent to protect your right to pray, or run your business by your ethical and moral code. Recall the football coach fired for praying after a football game or the Colorado couple who chose not to bake a cake to endorse a homosexual marriage. These cases went to the Supreme Court. Will an order of nuns be forced to pay for abortions and sterilizations? Will a church be forced to preform same sex marriages? The current protections for single sex private spaces, religious groups, churches and organizations in state law will be superseded/null and void with passage of HJ1 and HJ9.
Do you support women? men? girls? boys? children? parents? Do support informed consent? Do you support the highest medical standards to protect patients during and after medical procedures? Do you support the coercion of women by the healthcare system? Do you support the healthcare industrial complex selling the body parts of aborted babies for “research”? Do you support human trafficking?
Parental rights will be destroyed. It will be easier for a child to have an abortion or cross sex hormones than to get their ears pierced or a tattoo. If a child chooses to exercise their “right” to “reproductive health”, you will not be informed. Thus, your child can be groomed by an adult, a teacher, a minister, a coach, an older child into sexual behavior and if they are “willingly” participating because the other person “loves” them, you as a parent have no say. The state will be happy to step in and move the child to a home that is supportive of the child’s choices.
If your child wishes to take sex related vaccines(Hepatitis B, HPV), puberty blockers, cross sex-hormones, birth control, be sterilized or have an abortion via chemical or surgical means, you have no say. Thus, when your child has changes in behavior, mood or becomes physically ill, you may never know the reason. How can you protect your child from a world that is exploiting them with no consequence? You can’t. When your daughter is raped by a boy pretending to be a girl, where will you be? When a child shoots up a school because they became psychotic on testosterone, how will you respond? When your child dies of a botched abortion, what will you do? When your child is groomed into sexual trafficking and their childhood is destroyed before it had begun, will you still be sitting on the couch waiting for someone else to call your Senator or Delegate?
What does it mean to be a girl or a woman? The uniqueness of femininity will be lost. There will no private spaces for girls or women. Female sports will be dominated by effeminate and under preforming boys and men. Girls will and are told to “suck it up” and try harder. Boys have a different center of gravity, greater bone density and muscle mass, greater cardiac output and a larger lung capacity than girls. The deck will be stacked and is stacked against girls. Girls, the state legislators do not care about you. They care about the checks from their donors. They are invested in big pharma and hospital corporations that support your destruction.
Masculinity will be lost. Men will be longer be protectors. Men who stand to protect will be called “toxic” and criminalized. The father in Loudoun County was charged and convicted for fighting for the protection of his daughter and other young girls. Will you chose to be warriors to protect your family, the innocent, the vulnerable?
The medical facts: Boys and Girls are unique from the moment of conception. Their developmental course is set at the moment egg and sperm are join. No child is born in the wrong body. The entire “transgendered movement” is a money making machine to sexually exploit children, adolescents and young adults. It is designed to take advantage of the vulnerable and to make billions off their “healthcare.” It does not provide health. It is the pathway to a long and painful death. Death by a thousand surgeries and medications, all to make them “happy”. None of the treatment will achieve the development of a competent, capable, and fulfilled human being.
Families. Will families be forced into hiding? Will you be demonized for having children? Will children only be the products of surrogates? Will children only be allowed in the wealthy families?
The African American community is celebrating its own genocide. How corrupt is it when we endorse the deaths of minority children via abortion and sterilization, but then cry at the death of child killed by a gunshot. I am saddened by the loss of every child but there should be daily weeping in our streets for the young girls who are led to the abortion mills by their mothers, fathers, teachers and pastors, with the lie that this will make them happy and give them a future. Do we need to provide these young girls with informed consent? Do we have an obligation to tell them about potential damage to their uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes? Do we need to tell them about the exponentially elevated risk of depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders, substance abuse and suicide post abortion? We need to tell them that they are not removing tissue, they are ending the life of an unborn child, their child, their son or daughter, your grandson or granddaughter? This child with all its strengths and weaknesses is a gift from God. To pretend to be God is the gravest of sins. Over and over again, our young people are taught to be selfish in our choices, me first. Me, never yields happiness. Happiness is only found and only grows when we extend our arms and welcome others in.
Have our children become nothing more than a product to be bought and sold? Will the widespread use of IVF, in vitro fertilization, allow pharmaceutical companies to impregnate women and then deliver the baby at the development stage of their choosing for “research” purposes. There will be no prohibition to this. Children will be bought and sold via surrogates. We already have cases of children adopted and sexually exploited by their homosexual parents. With the passage of this legislations, there will be no safety net.
Delegate Herring(D-Sponsor of HJ1) will say that women/girls will die if they are not granted abortion without restriction? I tell you this is the greatest lie of all times. Let us begin by stating in every single abortion, a child dies. In every single abortion, a child dies. A little girl or a little boy dies. A mother’s child dies. A father’s child dies. It is murdered. The person who desires to kill that child often differs. It is estimated that 31% of all abortions are coerced. Are there any consequences for those who force a mother to kill her unborn child? Are there any consequences for those who give the abortion pill to a mother without her knowledge or consent?
Is Delegate Herring invested in reaping the profits of the killing fields of the African American community? How does she justify the murder of the children of the poor? Is poverty a reason to deny someone the right to life? If poverty was the standard to determine life or death, most of our parents and grandparents would have been executed.
Is disability the almighty sword to justify the death of another? If so, we are all at risk. If we kill in the womb for a disability, this allows us to kill at any stage of development for disability or inconvenience.
Below are links to previous Substacks on HJ1 and The Medical Necessity of Abortion.
Information on HJ9
HJ9 Constitutional amendment; marriage between two individuals.
The Commonwealth of Virginia currently grants individual of the same sex to “marry.” Thus, why the need for a Constitutional amendment?
The Constitutional amendment will remove any protection for people to refuse to perform a ceremony or recognition of the marriage based on religious belief. Recall, current law will be superseded.
There is no qualifications on individuals other than adults and the individuals can not be discriminated based on gender, sex or race. What happens to the prohibitions about marrying your child, who is now an adult? What about the prohibitions of marrying relatives? Will this right soon extend to multiple people seeking to marry and not limited to two people?
The citizens of the Commonwealth previously voted to define Marriage as the commitment of a man and a woman.
This definition has been overridden by state law.
What happens when and if this amendment is added to the Constitution?
All religious organizations or pastors or churches who do not wish to recognize or perform same sex marriages can be forced to perform this marriage. The line to provide religious exceptions was removed from the final approved amendment. Please note the version voted on was a substitute, Again, the amendment, voted on on Nov. 13, 2024, as stands offers no protection for religious organizations or groups.
Contact your Senators and Delegates and tell them to vote no on HJ1 and HJ9.
Please stay tuned. Watch HB2535-revisions in the Uniform Health Care Decisions Act and HB1649-Continued Education in unconscious bias and cultural competency and bills supporting Medical Assistance in Dying, Euthanasia.
The current health care system is not supportive of health, the patient or the family.
Stay healthy,
Sheila M. Furey, MD Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance
Sheila, great to hear from you and thank you for your work. I could not make it Saturday but did pray in accord that morning. Continuing in prayer often.
Terrific article! Thanks Dr Furey!