HJ1 Fundamental Right to reproductive freedom. https://lis.blob.core.windows.net/files/1011511.PDF
HJ1 creates a new Right, where none exists, that covers abortion, “transgenderism”, and makes no provision for parental rights or protections of conscience for healthcare workers.
This legislation is not just about the Right to abortion and “gender affirming care”. This legislation is about your tax dollars funding all abortions, all sterilizations, all hormone treatments and all in vitro fertilizations treatments for anyone who asks. Thus, if an adult for any reason wants a child, they can legally request a made to order child at taxpayer expense.
Many people state these matters are a private choice. However, do these same people also endorse their tax dollars going to support the above treatments and procedures to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars per year? Even if the above is covered by individual health insurance companies, you will pay in increased premiums and taxes. You will pay as the the population of Virginia continues to decrease. Our birth rate is already below replacement and there is no evidence that this trend is reversing.
It is currently legal to abort an unborn child up until birth. Thus, this legislation is being fast tracked to enshrine Virginia as the Abortion Capital of the South. This is the legacy that our legislators want to glorify.
This legislation seeks to guarantee a Right to an abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Again, it is currently legal in Virginia to abort a child during all stages of the pregnancy. The legislation provides no protection, no fundamental Right to Life to a child born alive after an attempted abortion. It targets not only abortion but all procedures/medications related to “transgenderism.” It provides no protection for healthcare providers who conscientiously object to these medications or procedures. It strips parents of all rights over their minor children in regard to matters related to “reproductive health.” It assumes competency of minor children.
This bill may be voted on as early as January 8, 9 or 10th. The General Assembly session begins January 8, 2025. It is crucial that you contact your Virginia Delegates now, by phone and in writing, and tell them to vote NO on this bill. Send them this information. Go to their office and speak with them.
Link to members of the House of Delegates: https://virginiageneralassembly.gov/house/members/members.php
Find your representative: https://www.vpap.org/local-politics/representatives/
Do we the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia want to enshrine the Right to kill unborn children in our Constitution?
What is a Right? Rights as understood from our Constitution are natural, or negative, rights. We possess them in and of ourselves. They are not granted to us. We do not need another person to carry out the right. Thus, we have a right to life. Further, we have laws that constrain the government or others from taking your right to life. You have a right to liberty. The liberty to think and speak as you like as long as it is not directly harmful to another. Thus, it is illegal to slander or incite riot, however, you do have the right to say stupid/ignorant things. The Bill of Rights was a document that placed constraints on the government.
The goal of the Bill of Rights was to prevent the government from enslaving the people via laws and regulations. However, this very document is now being used to ensure that we have no independent thought and action and is guaranteeing the right for a mother to kill her unborn child.
Do we have the right to kill another person based on developmental age?
The developing baby is within the mother and requires nourishment from the mother, however, it is the developing baby that informs the mother that she is pregnant. It is the powerful intricately designed replicating cells implanting in the uterine wall that create a placenta and the hormones to maintain the pregnancy that permanently change the mother’s body. Her body will forever forward recall that she has been pregnant. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/staying-healthy-during-pregnancy/hormones-during-pregnancy Stem cells from the unborn baby remain within the mother’s body for the remainder of her life. https://news.asu.edu/content/fetal-cells-influence-moms-health-during-pregnancy-%E2%80%94-and-long-after
If we have a Right to kill a child developing in the womb based simply on location and/or level of dependence, do we have the Right to kill those who are dependent, elderly, cognitively challenged, physically challenged, mentally ill, unconscious? (Many in our General Assembly fully support Medical Assistance in Dying targeting all of the above.)
It is crucial for everyone to understand that those who advocate most strongly for this legislation are those who profit from it. Planned Parenthood, hospitals, doctors, and the pharmaceutical industry reap the profits from murdering children in the womb, the sale of tissues and organs from aborted children and the chemical and surgical castration and mutilation of children.
There is NO Medical Necessity of Abortion. https://sheilamfureymd.substack.com/p/the-medical-necessity-of-abortion
Women will NOT die if abortion is not permitted. Women do die from legal abortions. Women do suffer from injury from legal abortions. The cases presented in the press are inaccurate presentation of the facts. The details will be presented in future posts. Keep reading for insight.
The chemical abortion pills Mifepristone and Misoprostol are not benign medications. Mifepristone blocks progesterone necessary to maintain the pregnancy. This results in the placenta detaching from the uterine wall resulting in the loss of blood and nutrients to the developing baby, resulting in death to the child. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions to expel the contents of the uterus. Severe reactions can occur to these medications including fatality. An infection or ectopic pregnancy may be severe enough to be life-threatening. The abortion pill does not treat an ectopic pregnancy. Follow up is necessary two weeks after the abortion to ensure that all contents of the uterus have been expelled. There is no guarantee this follow-up will occur.
Chemical abortions are deemed to legally “safe” until 8 weeks of pregnancy and FDA approved up until 10 weeks. Who decides the dates of the pregnancy? There is no obligation to verify the dates of the pregnancy. There is no obligations to verify that the person is pregnant. There is no obligation to verify the pregnancy is in the uterus. There is no protection for pregnant women who are given the abortive pills without their knowledge or consent.
Women presenting to the emergency with complications from the abortion pill may not reveal that they have taken the pills. Women may misrepresent the length of pregnancy either intentionally or unintentionally. Women do get the dates wrong.
Parental rights will be further eroded if HJ1 is passed. Currently in Virginia, parental rights are limited. A minor can consent to treatment for contraception, abortion, prenatal care, treatment for sexually transmitted disease, mental health services, substance abuse treatment. This consent does not include sterilization. However, it is unclear if this includes the medications that will sterilize a child under the umbrella of “gender affirming care.”
If all of the above is currently legal in the Commonwealth of Virginia, why a Constitutional amendment? Money.
If the above is a Constitutional Right, your tax dollars will go to pay for all abortion services, all sterilizations, chemical and surgical, and all other treatment related to “gender affirming” care.
The passage of HJ1 will prevent parents from stopping their minor children from chemically or surgically castrating themselves. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title54.1/chapter29/section54.1-2969/
Children under 18 years of age cannot legally drink or obtain cigarettes. This same minor child can obtain a “medication” that can result in their potential death or take a shot that will permanently sterilize them. We are protecting our children from alcohol and cigarettes but not from medical interventions that have a far greater risk to cause them death or permanent harm.
Abortion will be a Right at any point in the pregnancy. If a child is born alive, there is no protection for that child if the mother’s/father’s intention was to kill her unborn child. Thus, babies born alive will be directly or indirectly murdered.
Reproduction is the reproduction of a species. Killing your off spring is not reproduction.
Freedom without recognition of the freedom, liberty and autonomy of others is totalitarian tyranny.
Prenatal Care does not equal killing an unborn child.
Childbirth is giving birth to a child not killing the child.
Postpartum care is available to every woman who gives birth. It does not require a constitutional amendment.
Contraception is the prevention of conception. This can occur via the contraception pill, intrauterine devices, and sterilization ( the removal of testes or ovaries either chemically or surgically). This would also permit what was previously termed female genital mutilation, the removal of the clitoris of young girls and surgically closing the vagina. This so called “religious practice” would continue without consequence.
Abortion care is an oxymoron. Killing a child at any stage of development is murder.
Miscarriage management is permitted in every state of the union. Miscarriage management has never been denied or restricted from any patient by any law in Virginia or in the United States.
Fertility care as part of this legislation includes In vitro fertilization. This means that anyone, anyone can request a baby and have the baby delivered via surrogate. Babies on demand. Babies bought and sold for experimentation, tissue, abuse or whatever nefarious cause. Please note that couples experience infertility for many reasons. Infertility is caused by vaccination, in particular the Covid-19 and Human Papilloma Virus shots. Infertility is also caused by diet. Infertility is caused by poisons in our food and lack of fat in our diet. IFV involves the making multiple embryos in a dish and implanting them in a mother. Embryos, human life, not implanted can be frozen or disposed/killed. I comprehend the pain of women who have been unable to conceive or who have miscarriage(s) or still births, however, IVF is not without its consequences and this should be addressed in a moral and ethical manner. Please note, this legislation promotes the killing of unborn children when couples exist that would adopt those children. However, in the interest of profit, the killing of unborn children and the sale of tissue and organs is more important than the moral issue of protecting children and families.
Any person who aids a person a minor in obtaining an abortion, hormones to stop puberty or cross sex-hormones or sterilization will not be prosecuted. Thus, teachers, therapists and other adults (pedophiles, human traffickers) can transport a child to get any of the above without prosecution. This allows the door to be wide open to sex trafficking. Children, boys and girls and women and men can be trafficked via forced sterilization to increase profits. Note, over 800,000 children that have entered the United States illegally have been lost to follow-up. The bill is 100% complicit with the trafficking of children.
There are only two sexes: Male and Female. No matter what you do chemically or surgically to a body, you do not become the opposite sex. Every cell in a body is marked either XX or XY. This does not change no matter what one does to the outside of the body or the blocking of hormones or providing hormones of the opposite sex.
Delegate Herring, patron of this bill, had the audacity to state that this was not an attempt to regulate healthcare. It is a direct attempt to regulate healthcare and a direct attempt to direct taxpayer dollars toward this outcome. Additionally, healthcare is already regulated to the detriment of patient care. Whenever a patient goes to a healthcare provider, there are many people in the room: the doctor, the patient, the insurance company, the Board of Medicine, the Board of Pharmacy, the Board of Medical Examiners, the pharmacist, the hospital association and many more. We are forced to complete Continuing Medical Education that may not apply to our practice of medicine and is completely biased to indoctrinate not educate. Further, when physician attempt to advocate for patients in front of the legislative body, we are dismissed unless we are advocating for the Right to kill babies or participate in the mutilation of children to “affirm” a transgender delusion.
Please contact your legislator and share this email. You can print and share at your church, school or other organization. Time is of the essence. Please act today.
Sheila M. Furey, MD