Medical Trials without Consent
March 7, Last Day to Purchase Early Bird Tickets for April 5 Summit
Covid-19 opened the eyes of many to the corruption within the medical-industrial complex. We witnessed the Covid-19 shots touted as “safe and effective” to “prevent illness and spread” quickly morph into “decrease the severity of illness”. We witnessed “mandates” historically revised to “we did not force you to take the shots”. The data continues to pour in that the pharmaceutical companies had full knowledge of the risk of death, cardiovascular, and neurologic harms prior to their release on the world, but the public, the patients were never informed.
Covid-19 was a world wide experiment by coercion. The deaths, the anger, the lack of trust in the medical system, and the lawsuits are still not enough to stop those “seeking cures” or the next patten without regard for the well-being of their fellow human beings.
Medical experimentation without consent has been and remains a pattern of those minimizing the value of human life and those with self-serving interests. Recall the Tuskegee syphilis study that began in 1932 on African American men in Alabama. These men were injected with syphilis and even when penicillin became a known cure, they never received it. This horrific experiment was exposed in 1972, 40 years after it began.
After World War II, Nuremberg established a set of ethical principals for human experimentation. Those involved in Tuskegee did not go back and changed their protocols. It took until 1972 for the United States to established specific research standards of informed consent: knowledge of risk, benefits and alternatives to the treatment or lack of treatment you are going to receive and/or the data being gathered or not gathered. However, in 2016, then President Obama signed the Cures Act minimizing the need for informed consent if the study researches and approval team deemed that the research had “minimal risk.” The question is obvious, “minimal risk” for whom, the researcher or those who are the unknowing and unsuspecting victims of the research?
Learn more in this March 2, 2025 interview, Uninformed Consent, with James Lyons Weiler, the founder of IPAK.
Want more on Medical Ethics?
Join VAMFA and Feds for Freedom at Liberty University on April 5 as we explore Medical Freedom and the Constitution. Please register today. The early bird special ends March 7.
The College Republicans of Liberty University have invited Feds for Freedom and the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance to a summit to evaluate, reflect and educate you about the intimate relationship between the Constitution and Medical Freedom.
Warriors stood in the face of unlawful mandates during Covid-19 risking all to stand for our rights to freedom, informed consent, bodily autonomy and to make decisions free from coercion.
Is your freedom in jeopardy? What healthcare decisions are mandated? What does informed consent mean? How do we make Virginia Healthy again?
Empower yourself with the knowledge to stand against a medical establishment that does not want to relinquish their control over you the patient, the parent, the child.
Join us on Saturday, April 5 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Liberty University. Tickets on sale now. Limited seating is available. Purchase your tickets now. Students’ tickets are free but they must register with a valid student ID.
Join our nationally recognized speakers.
Valerie Borek, Stand for Health Freedom, lead attorney and policy expert.
Christine Dolan, Author and investigative journalist who exposed the underbelly of human trafficking.
Jim Erdman, Co-Founder of Feds for Freedom, Distinguished military and government career.
Erika LeBaron, D.O., President of the Association of Physicians and Surgeons
Former Congressman Bob Good
Retired Vice Admiral William “Dean” Lee, 36 years of military leadership
Patricia Powers, M.D., Endocrinologist, on the front lines of changing the medical paradigm.
Carolyn Rocco, Active Duty Air Force Officer, Feds for Freedom.
Dr. Crisanna Shackelford, Former Department of Defense, National Security Expert.
Marcus Thorton, President and Co-Founder of Feds for Freedom, Diplomat with the Department of State since 2016.
Jeff Tuomala, Retired Professor of Constitutional Law at Liberty University.
Learn more about each of our speakers and purchase your tickets today.
Virginians are facing critical decisions in the November 2025. Currently, the Democratically controlled senate and house wish to impose tyrannical policies on the people. Democracy without regard to individual liberty is a totalitarian landmine waiting to explode.
What is at stake in Virginia?
The right to life of the unborn, the disabled, the sick, the mentally ill, the aged. Bills passed both the house and senate granting unrestricted abortion without parental consent and without protection for minors. If this become law, it opens the flood gates to human and organ trafficking in Virginia.
Medical Assistance in Dying, MAID, is being pushed at the other end of the life spectrum and is termed merciful and compassionate. MAID is being specifically used to target the weak, vulnerable, the handicapped, the depressed and the fearful. It is not about a compassionate death, it is about controlled suicide and controlled murder. It is doctors, insurance companies and hospitals wishing to be God. They want to be in control of determining your death. We must understand what is at stake and how to speak against this travesty. Throughout Covid, patients entered the hospital without family, without an advocate and sadly were placed on protocols that directly led to their deaths. What will happen if this is enshrined in law?
Vaccine mandates. President Trump has just signed an executive order ending the mandates for Covid shots at the remaining universities still requiring them. However, Covid shots are only the tip of the spear. The childhood vaccination schedule is not based in scientific evidence or controlled studies. It is the product of indoctrination of medical professionals. It is time to allow parents choice in regard to the health and well being of their children. Further, we must guard against the pressure for vaccine mandates within the adult community, especially, pregnant mothers.
As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stated 70% of our children cannot pass a physical to enter the military. We face alarming rates of chronic disease, mental illness and autism.
It is time for Virginia to reclaim its health. It is time for Virginia to lead the nation rather than being controlled by the medical industrial complex.
Please join us April 5, 2025 in Lynchburg.
Sheila M. Furey, MD