Medical Freedom is directly Linked to Education Freedom
If you do not seek the truth and debate the problems, you will continue to be the victim.
The field of medicine is in shambles and many physicians have come to learn, we were taught what they wanted us to know, not what we needed to know. The indoctrination process began way before medical school. Please support those who want their children to learn principals and foundational understanding and reasoning not sound bites to please the teacher.
A message from the Home Educators Association of Virginia:
The 2025 Virginia General Assembly session has begun with an outright attack on parental rights and Virginia's religious freedoms. We haven't seen a legislative move like this in over 30 years—until now.
Virginia Senator Stella Pekarsky (D-36) introduced SB1031, an unprecedented bill that jeopardizes religious exemption for homeschooling families.
This legislation threatens ALL homeschool families and undermines Virginians' longstanding right to educate their children in accordance with their faith-based convictions, a right established decades before homeschooling was legalized in 1984.
Numerous Virginia and national organizations were contacted and have joined forces with HEAV's call to action and initial effort to have the bill withdrawn.
Your Immediate Action Is Needed
Contact Senator Stella Pekarsky’s Office NOW.
Call (804) 698-7536 or email her at Politely ask her to withdraw SB1031. This MUST be done before the first Senate Education Subcommittee hearing this Thursday afternoon.Call or email each of the members of the Senate Public Education Subcommittee Members:
Respectfully ask each senator or their staff to urge Senator Pekarsky to withdraw her bill immediately before Thursday's subcommittee meeting.
Why This Matters
This is a critical issue for ALL homeschoolers. Religious freedom is our first line of defense against ALL government intrusion.
This bill also dangerously shifts the focus of control. Currently, elected school boards work directly with parents to review religious exemptions. SB1031 would transfer that authority to unelected superintendents, designees, and staff–giving them the power to judge parents' sacred, deeply held religious beliefs.
In addition, this legislation challenges the core purpose of the religious exemption statute, which was established to safeguard the beliefs of families who conscientiously object to government-run education due to deeply held religious convictions.
What HEAV Is Doing
Our lobbyist, Ann Hoopsick, has scheduled a face-to-face appointment with Senator Pekarsky today to ask her to withdraw the bill immediately.
She is also scheduling meetings with the other committee members. Many other organizations, including HSLDA, are working with HEAV to eliminate this threat.
HEAV is committed to keeping you informed about this measure and the flood of bills we are already tracking in the 2025 General Assembly session.
We stand unwavering in our mission to protect and advance your homeschool freedoms, and we will continue to fight against threats to your family's rights.
Please forward this call to action to as many of your contacts as possible!
P.S. Tips for Contacting Your Legislator
First, be confident! Legislators want to hear from the citizens they represent.
Here are some tips for successful contact:
Prepare brief speaking points ahead of time, and be sure to reference the bill number.
You will likely speak with a secretary, legislative aide, or intern who works with the legislator.
Always be kind and respectful.
They will ask you to identify yourself. Provide your name and contact information for a response.
State if you are a constituent, sharing if you are a registered voter in their district. If you are not a constituent, confidently state that the actions of this committee could ultimately affect all homeschoolers in the Commonwealth.
Give a reason for your request, and calmly and clearly share your message.
Thank the person and indicate you will watch for the legislator's vote.
Please assist all the families across Virginia who support their fundamental right to home education, free from the indoctrination of government controlled schools and corrupt private schools.
Sheila M. Furey, MD